Does The Truth Hold Power To Alter Human Mayhem?

Shiza Nizam
5 min readJun 15, 2022
chess, power
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The voice of truth will always prevail!

A lesson that most of us are taught by our parents and elders at quite an early age. And as naïve we are during that time, we start to believe it too.

Astoundingly, without even asking any questions, some of us give in to the statement so easily, without any resilience.

But then there are few who keep pondering, and it stays there in their mind. Although they might have nodded when others told them the widely accepted truth, some of us still have our doubts. Not because we think they are wrong, but maybe we are constantly challenged at every step by society to rethink what we were being told.

Does the truth prevail?

By now, you would have guessed; I am also one of the few. Maybe you are too. And right now, your heart must be surging with an outburst of happiness to have found someone who understands and asks the same question. Someone with whom you can intellectually connect. It does make the world seem a little less secluded and ignites courage. The voice of oneself appears to be a little less echoing.

From my childhood till now, there have often been situations where my deeply integrated belief stands like a big question on my face — days where I analyze this belief from all angles. Sometimes my entire weeks go by, contemplating if what I have been told is the truth. Because countless times I feel the evil paying recurring visits to me and laughing on my face. Always telling me that I am too innocent, naïve, or maybe a fool that I am not moving an inch from what I believe in despite the intricacies and the social biasness at every point.

Yes, there are days when I question myself if I am on the right side of the war. Looking at the world burning, seemingly nearing its end almost every day, or should I say, every minute of the day. The news channels never failed to drag me on the brink of giving up my hope. And lately, the farewell we have to give to the two biggest legends of this nation, Dr. Abdul Kadeer Khan, a gem, a brave savior, and Sir Omer Sharif, the King of Comedy, an irreplaceable asset. But their time had come, and this event gave me no excuse to doubt my belief. Everyone has to leave this temporary abode someday.

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When I look the other way, there are incidents causing havoc and the loss of countless lives. Innocent people are dying, with no sight of tangible outcomes for people fighting for their rights. The list is endless, and mentioning them will take forever. And all the chaos happening endlessly, you do at some point start to grow the seeds of hopelessness, despair, and desolation.

But despite the tumultuous ups and downs and bitter waves of change, do you know what has kept me going all this time? — that the truth does prevail!

You might be thinking I have started to live in a delusional world. The reality speaks otherwise. No one promised that we would be there to see our fair share of impartiality or truth, changing the games into a winning trophy for the good people. The thing I am about to say next may sound harsher to some. But then again, truth is cruel and does give pain, but every single time it is worth hearing, worth implementing, worth sending it out in the world. The stakes may be high at times, even at the level of asking for life. But that’s how the world works. You either give or take. Or you lose something to gain something valuable.

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Recently I have been watching Daredevil on Netflix, and let me tell you; it is one show you should not miss. Yes, I know, it’s fiction. But it does touch a few aspects of reality as well. If nothing, it has taught me never to be afraid to stand for the truth. The challenges are going to tear you apart at times, but sometimes you are the only hope for others. You are the white knight, an inspiration, a North Star for someone. The least you can do in such a case is not to crush their hope, their faith.

As Michelle Obama puts it, “You may not always have a comfortable life, and you will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems at once, but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.”

Holding on to the truth is never easy. And sometimes, to tell it to the world and to prove that it is the real thing, you have to go through near-death experiences, struggle against the seemingly undefeatable odds, and deal with corruption or uncooperative systems. But in the end, it all turns into an extraordinary story that leaves everyone stunned and awe-inspired. A story that gives birth to even more extraordinary braver souls who have the power to bring the necessary revolution when necessary.

I believe that the fight between good and evil is going to persist till the world lasts. But the good news is the world may end, but the truth will still prevail even when there is no one to hear about it. If not in this world, then indeed in the next. Belief and hope can move mountains. It is one reason that holding on to truth to a point where nothing can shake you is undoubtedly not easily attainable. But worth pursuing.

And once you put your mind to something, you will be amazed to witness your potential.

